
In first grade we write! We write a lot! The best way to improve handwriting and writing stamina, is to practice! So PLEASE PLEASE make sure your child is writing their spelling word sentences for their homework. Set high expectations for their handwriting, because they can write neat, I've seen it! If you need more ideas on how to help your child's writing at home, click on the pencil below for some ideas.

For handwriting, I use this rubric for the students to visually see what they are striving for. A 4 star is absolutely perfect! I tell them that a 4 star is adult writing so they are basically aiming for a 3.They use this visual in the classroom, so show them the image if they need it at home!

We are currently working on writing 3 complete sentences. We are making sure each sentence has a capital letter at the beginning, an ending mark at the end, and that the sentence makes sense.